Memorabilia Framing

Bespoke Memorabilia Framing

Out of the Square provide bespoke memorabilia framing solutions to preserve your special treasures and their history with elegance. Something that sets Out of the Square apart from other picture framing stores is our attention to detail. This is especially important when dealing with special memorabilia like war medals, trophies or signed jerseys. We want to preserve the history and legacy of your memorabilia and our framing solutions are designed to emphasise the importance that your special item holds.

Memorabilia we’ve made frames for include:

  • Football jerseys & memorabilia
  • War medals
  • Trophies
  • Guitars
  • Axes
  • Cricket bats
  • Boxing gloves

We won’t turn away the weird and wonderful; bring in your cherished memorabilia and we’ll build something worthy of holding it, no matter what it is. Get in touch with us on (07) 4128 2911 or bring in your memorabilia to our showroom and see what we can do for you.

Custom built to last generations:

All our framing solutions are bespoke. This means not only using the highest quality materials, but designing custom solutions that are durable, suit the surrounding environment, and presents your item with the dignity it deserves.

Heavier and more delicate items, like guitars, often require custom mounting and weight-testing. In such a scenario, we might add custom Perspex mounting, designed just for that item to ensure it lasts. Most importantly, we design frames that allow your item to be easily removed without damage. On our war medal frames, for example, we include small doors that allow you to easily remove the medal for special ceremonies.

Keeping history alive:

In addition to needing a frame that preserves, protects and beautifully displays your special item, you might also want to tell a story. For many of our customers, their framed memorabilia is handed down through generations. With this in mind, we can include text that tells a story about the item, or even cut out spaces to place photos that give the item a bit more context to the observer. Just little things like that, which can add a bit of gravitas to the item that you care so much about.

Hervey Bay Memorabilia Framing

Get in touch with Out of the Square to discuss our full range of memorabilia framing services in Hervey Bay and Maryborough. Call (07) 4128 2911